Adolescent Groups
The teenage years are challenging for teens and their parents. Teens face many new pressures and may not always react in the healthiest ways to the problems they encounter. In some cases, teens may need counseling to help them cope with their problems. Some of the struggles teens face are a normal part of growing up, like dealing with peer groups, experimenting with new ideas, and going through changes in mood, identity, and interests. Support groups help teens through some of these issues by providing a non-judgmental and safe space to express thoughts and feelings.
Problems that teens may address in a group setting include:
Changes in family life, like moving, divorce, or a death or serious illness of a friend or family member
Developing an illness or disability
Any kind of substance abuse or addiction
Trauma and abuse
Social skills deficits as a secondary symptom of attention deficit, anxiety, or depression
Teen support groups help teens to :
Understand why their behaviors are negative, and how to cope better
Recognize and change negative thoughts that may cause or trigger their behaviors
Find better ways to solve problems
Learn better social skills